
Hi there! Thank you for dropping by.

Jomanette is a combination my husband’s name, Joseph and my name, Manette. I am a work-at-home mom of three kids, two boys and a girl. I enjoy browsing the internet and reading blogs.

I have been longing to create a blog of my own. I wanted to share my thoughts, ideas and views on the whats and what-nots of this world. I am no professional in writing but it is my passion. A friend inspired me to do this blog where I can express everything I have in mind.

I resigned from the corporate world and decided to work at home for my kids. We do not have a house helper so taking care of two preschoolers and a toddler, plus doing the household chores all by myself and my online jobs, eat up a big chunk of my time. I hope I can still find the time to post at least two articles in a week, or even more if time permits.

Join me in my journey. Let us have fun and share each other’s stories.

2 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by melissa on 09/26/2009 at 9:57 AM

    I read that your doing online jobs.. mind if you share it with me… I’m also a mom of 3girls and have no work right now. Thank you very much!


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